With this enabled, you'll find tape recorders lying around the levels. Pick one up and listen to us discussing the thinking behind the level you're playing, the character your controlling, this moment in the story, or whatever else is relevant. See the trailer for a look at this in action. There are 52 of these recordings to find, totaling over 3 hours of commentary, spread across the game's 15 hour campaign. They're a mix of designer/writer Tom Francis talking through his own thinking, and interviewing each other member of the team about their work.
We get into the reasoning behind design and story decisions, ideas we tried that didn't work out, the hardest challenges we had to solve, and get a little closer to understanding why this game took forever make. And when you're tired of listening to us, you can throw the tape recorder at an enemy to deal 1 knockback. The commentary does contain spoilers, so it's not intended for a first playthrough - we can't really give full insight on the thinking behind something without referring to how it plays out later. The commentary is audio only, no subtitles. Volume is independently adjustable. Grocery Store Simulator
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