In a fictional country located in East Europe, a dictator runs the country for many years. Ruler is really paranoid, he did a lot of sweeps and killed people, who were against him. In order to control ordinary people, people were chipped in the neck to track them. All people got the same clothes with a certain number and it all was controlled by the government. But it wasn't enough for the lord, he built a Big Research Centre to strenghten his assassins, but all the dirty work were on prisoners.
Country had a lot of prisoners, because a lot of them fought and tried to break dictatorship, somebody got executed, somebody were thrown in jail and expoited as slaves. VLADIK BRUTAL is a surprisingly impressive gem that defies its humble presentation. Despite its janky movement and meme-laden aesthetics, the game offers a surprisingly polished experience with an engaging gameplay loop. If you’re a fan of games like Half-Life and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., you'll find a lot to appreciate here. Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2
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