Embark on a thrilling story as President Anton Rayne, steering Sordland through a pivotal time. Confront potential border conflicts, deep-seated corruption, and economic turmoil while navigating complex political dynamics in Anton's first term. As the leader, your choices will shape Sordland's destiny.
Gripping Story: Traverse a 900K-word branching political saga packed with deep and layered conversations. Choices with Impact: Make critical decisions on security, economy, welfare, and diplomacy. Your values will be tested beyond the confines of your office. Your Legacy: Drive Sordland towards one of 9 unique major endings and more than 25 sub-endings. What will your legacy be? Grand Cast: Engage with a diverse cast of more than 50 characters, each with unique personalities and ideologies.
Duty vs. Personal Values: Witness how your presidential decisions influence the country but also your family and relationships. Stay Informed: Keep tabs on the state of affairs through country or interactable city tokens, policies, situations, news and reports. See the impact and result of your actions. Discover the Suzerain Universe: Read about newly introduced nations, codex articles about history, and feel the pulse of the world events.
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