Create hilarious mayhem in the open world of Bikini Bottom. Patrick fans, your time has come - and Bikini Bottom is your open-world playground! So become the Star of the show, put your silliest ideas into action, and enjoy the physics-based chaos that unfolds all around you.
From The Krusty Krab to Glove World, the SpongeBob universe is yours to goof off in. Skydive with just a parasol (or nothing at all), search for buried treasure in the Dump, or release the rage in Mrs. Puff’s Rage Room. Use almost any item you can find, from the reef blower to a can of paint, to change the world into Patrick’s dream playground. Unlock classic Patrick outfits with your crazy stunts and collectibles. Minecraft Story Mode A Telltale Games Series
Step-by-step setup process
Please review these important details before installation
Install necessary apps from Redist or _CommonRedist to ensure game launches without any problems.
Always extract game in Antivirus / Defender excluded folder - Please check our FAQs to know why it is important.
Always run the game as administrator
For detailed guide, make sure to read Installation Guide.txt inside the game files.
Minimum specifications needed
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