Money Talks. Silence Pays. Prepare to Make a Killing. When assassins from Agent 47's contract agency, The ICA, are eliminated in a series of hits, it seems a larger, more powerful agency has entered the fray. Sensing he may be a target, 47 travels to America, and prepares to make a killing.
'Blood Money' system: the cleaner the 'hit' the more money you receive which can be spent on bribing witnesses and police to reduce your notoriety, weapon customisation, specialist equipment and information. Customisable weapons: modify Agent 47's custom weapons in a variety of ways including sound, recoil, rate of fire, damage, reload speed, accuracy and zoom. Strong narrative: who is wiping out the ICA and what is their motivation? Hitman Codename 47
Step-by-step setup process
Please review these important details before installation
Install necessary apps from Redist or _CommonRedist to ensure game launches without any problems.
Always extract game in Antivirus / Defender excluded folder - Please check our FAQs to know why it is important.
Always run the game as administrator
For detailed guide, make sure to read Installation Guide.txt inside the game files.
Minimum specifications needed
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