Then, there was fire. Re-experience the critically acclaimed, genre-defining game that started it all. Beautifully remastered, return to Lordran in stunning high-definition detail running at 60fps. Dark Souls Remastered includes the main game plus the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. You can beat Dark Souls. yes, you.
Before a friend recommended this game to me all I knew was that it was brutally hard. I think I went into it with expectations that it wouldn't be any fun and it would just kill you for stupid reasons. That's mostly not the case. This game has honestly changed the way I view and play videogames forever. It is pretty difficult but it rarely feels unfair in that difficulty. The gameplay itself is a little bit clunky especially if you play on keyboard, but it's not too hard to get used to. Navigating menus is very clunky but is never really a problem in a dangerous moment. PC Building Simulator 2
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