Assassin's Creed Unity, An action game where you are to play as Arno, A teenage held in turmoil of French Revolution. The city if filled with danger, with a lot of people in the streets, secret foes and historical benchmarks. You will get to experience climbing buildings, secretly going into backstreets, and battling foes using expertise and talent. Not only this, The game also allows you to customize your weapons abilities and dresses.
The battle is fast and needs better time management, as enemies are fast and sharper. You are also allowed to play with friends in combined missions, working with eachother to finish the tasks. The game world feels energetic where the individuals behaving to the incidents around them, designing a captivating experience. You can travel over prominent benchmarks such as Notre Dame, and The Palace of Versailles, each of which is revived with extraordinary details. The story is filled with secrets, treachery, and vengeance forcing you to reveal the secrets. With upgraded freefunning mechanics, operating over scaling buldings and rooftops feels even.The game allows you to play either way, whether silently kill your enemy or call for a combat. Paris is filled with side quests, challenges, giving you much to do behind the main story.
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